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Chickens and Worms Love Pumpkin!

Now that Halloween has passed I noticed many of my neighbors discarding their pumpkins. So I knocked on a few doors and collected quite a few to make pumpkin treats for our chicken flock. While I was at it I chopped up a few pumpkins to freeze for future food for our worm farm too.

Today I made a flock favorite ! First I sliced pumpkins in halves , scooped out the middle and steamed the halves on a foiled sheet pan for about 45 minutes. While they cooked ...whipped up a batch of oatmeal , raisins , mealworms, peas, corn and a variety of seeds. Then mixed all ingredients into the warm oatmeal. Next step was to remove the steamed pumpkin halves and fill them with the nutritious oatmeal mixture. Then topped them off with pumpkin seeds and variety of fresh herbs .

The past few mornings have been cold so I knew our chickens would enjoy this hearty high energy treat. Pumpkins are rich and in vitamins such as beta-carotene ,calcium, protein, potassium, minerals that helps boost their immune system and fight infection. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with Vitamin E.. Pumpkins are also a good source of fiber.

Pumpkins are also a favorite of Red Worms too! Lala's worm farm supplies each bin with pumpkin pieces as a food source to compost. The flesh and seeds can easily by consumed by the worms . The nutrients in the pumpkins help with breeding and worm production too!

Besides pumpkins, both chickens and red worms love squash, gourds, and fruit such as apples , bananas and watermelon. So do your flock and worm farm a favor and save these favorites in freezer bags to enjoy all year round!


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