The forecast in our neck of the Massachusetts woods is sleet, ice and snow for the next 3 days. Due to the impending weather I prepared the chicken run and coop. They were cleaned and insulated with plenty of pine shavings and straw before the storms hit .
A variety of bird feeders were brought out, cleaned and got them ready to be filled with seed and hung . We love watching & feeding our North America birds . Over the years we have gained quite a variety of birds attracted to our feeders . Blue jays, chickadees, woodpeckers, cardinals, sparrows, red gosbeaks and titmouse are common visitors, however we have the pleasure of some very unexpected visitors at our feeders such as a family of deer or wild turkeys and one year a "black bear". YIKES!! Lesson learned: be mindful NOT to put the feeders out before the bears have headed further North to hibernate.
In order to gain the variety birds full attention we provide a rich selection of seed and suet.
The black oiled sunflower seed is extremely popular with backyard birds & the fat content is higher than the striped sunflower. The black shell is much thinner and easier to crack than the striped sunflower seed . The ground feeding birds search under the feeders to pick up the broken sunflower pieces and other seed that are opened.
Having a variety of seed mixes attracts various bird species during the winter months. One of our feeders contains 4 suet holders and 4 seed feed openings. Peanut, cranberry, orange and cracked corn suet packets are very popular at this feeder.
All our feeders are covered to protect the seed and feeding stations from snow and ice build up . In addition, the feeders are placed closer to the home in sheltered areas to protected the feeders from high winds. Having the feeders closer to the home deters some of the pest wildlife such as squirrels from raiding feeders too. ( Corn cobs are placed far away from feeders for the squirrels, racoons and others who may want to invade a feeder.)
We have found it best to invest in larger feeders since they do not require being refilled as often as a smaller one. Our visiting feathered friends love the black sunflower seed but equally enjoy peanuts, millet, nyjer and safflower seed. Remember to have a large feeding scoop and store your seed in a galvanized barrel with a lid in a cool,dry place protected. Having a tightly barrel of this type keeps rodents and bugs away.
LaLa's Farm finds wild bird watching a relaxing and interesting past time during the cold winter days. Nothing like pulling up a nice comfy chair with a cup of coffee , tea, or cocoa as the morning light rises to watch the antics of the birds and hear them singing with delight .